Labor Cases

Labor Cases

Our law firm represents several employees and businessmen including establishments, companies and individuals in the cases filed before labor courts. This is for claim and settlement of accounts due between litigants arising from labor relationship according to the law regulating labor relations or assistive service workers, or local or federal effective civil service legislation. Saeed Al Rashdi represents employees or businessmen in such cases before the courts of first instance, appeal and cassation as well as the experts appointed for inventory and settlement of labor entitlements, either for the definite-term or indefinite-term contracts, against private, governmental or semi-governmental companies before the administrative courts as per the Labor Law or human resources rules of each establishment, for citizens or foreigners equally before all courts.

Our law firm represents the employees in claiming for their labor entitlements through claiming for outstanding salaries, arbitrary dismissal, balance of due leaves, end of service, overtime, allowance for working during holidays and feasts, claiming for periodical bonuses, commissions and percentages, and claiming for compensations for direct damages in case the employer breaches its obligations. Saeed Al Rashedi  represents several companies in the settlement of labor dues through providing consultancy on the real dues of customers and representing them before courts for obligation them within the limits of such dues, requesting the deduction of employees’ indebtedness, claiming for compensations for refraining from working within the notice period, delivery of materials delivered to the employees, unfair competition actions, breaching the confidentiality obligation, damages caused to the employer by the employee’s gross default, and exemption of employer from the claims for overtime of the employees in the senior management positions.

Our law firm has practical experience in achieving the best results while presenting the real truth and legal principles which ensure for the clients the desired result in cases of arbitrary dismissal, and its cases either by forcing the employee to leave his work, submit his resignation or false alarm with flea. This is in addition to the cases of arbitrary suspension, extension of end of service and employment under secondment contract which ensure for the client that there is practical experience while representing him in the required disputes.

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We are always keen to accurately understand clients’ requirements so that we can professionally provide legal support in the form of satisfactory legal business. Rather, we are keen to ensure that the legal drafting used is of a clear method away from obscurity or ambiguity to ensure the protection of the clients. Our work is not limited to providing solution to the client, but rather it is discussed with him in the correct manner and in a way that strengthens his legal position.

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