Intellectual Property Rights Cases

Intellectual Property Rights Cases

Intellectual property, trademarks and patent protection laws. Our law firm provides its services in the laws of intellectual property protection, patent, industrial graphics and copyrights registration, including:

1- Intellectual property registration unit.

2 -Trademarks registration.

3- Patent and industrial models’ registration.

4- Copyrights registration.

5- Execution or application unit.

6- Assignment and sale of intellectual property rights.

7- Representing litigants before the committees concerned with examining the disputes.

8- Representing litigants before concerned courts in respect of disputes arising in these fields.

9- Local and international trademarks protection and countering their attack. This is when used by any persons other than the owners, imitated or supplied, in addition to other types of attack.

The law firm work includes taking rapid penal procedures, seizing goods bearing counterfeit marks, and raising summary cases and compensation cases in favor of the client.


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We are always keen to accurately understand clients’ requirements so that we can professionally provide legal support in the form of satisfactory legal business. Rather, we are keen to ensure that the legal drafting used is of a clear method away from obscurity or ambiguity to ensure the protection of the clients. Our work is not limited to providing solution to the client, but rather it is discussed with him in the correct manner and in a way that strengthens his legal position.

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