Rental Disputes

Rental Disputes

The lease relationship is governed by a special law issued by the local authority of each of the emirates of the state to regulate the relationship between tenants and landlords within the boundaries of the emirate. Lease contract is considered one of the most important legal contracts, so a citizen or resident in the UAE is hardly free from being bound by a lease contract, whether it is a residential lease contract, investment or commercial. The lease agreement represents a special importance to its owner, whether he is a tenant or a landlord, as this contract relates to the person’s housing and his family or his business. Despite the importance of the lease and its seriousness, most people do not care about that. They use a ready-made lease contract which clauses do not cover all legal issues, as they are ignorant of important rules of the lease law. Lease contract is one of the most controversial contracts, due to the rules of this law, as it has a special method for announcing the case, in its circulation, appeals, and even its execution. Therefore, many people fall victim of procedural errors in this law. Whatever the complications in the rental relationship, we have distinguished experience in dealing with cases and special analyzes in the applications of the lease law.

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We are always keen to accurately understand clients’ requirements so that we can professionally provide legal support in the form of satisfactory legal business. Rather, we are keen to ensure that the legal drafting used is of a clear method away from obscurity or ambiguity to ensure the protection of the clients. Our work is not limited to providing solution to the client, but rather it is discussed with him in the correct manner and in a way that strengthens his legal position.

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