Criminal cases and cybercrimes and drugs cases
Criminal cases and cybercrimes and drugs cases
Every person is exposed to suspicion or error that makes him accused and then is subjected to procedures of arrest, search, investigation and imprisonment. The accused may commit a crime for legitimate and legal purposes (necessities permit prohibitions) without knowing the legality of that. Then, he faces difficult legal procedures. From this point of view, law guarantees an accused person the right to seek legal assistance. Punitive laws such as the Penal Code, the Law on Combating Information Technology Crimes, the Law on Combating Narcotic Substances, and other laws that contain punitive articles such as the Traffic and Traffic Law and all of them are court with controls and procedures that the legislator intended to regulate in the Criminal Procedures Law, and these laws are a society that is among the most dangerous laws on an individual’s life or freedom, which are laws It has assets and arts to deal with its provisions. Our office works efficiently in all types of cases that fall under the clause of criminal law, such as:
- Cybercrime: UAE Information Technology Crime Law is one of the most comprehensive laws in the world. It covers a wide range of crimes such as bank fraud, identity or data theft, piracy, credit card fraud, and many more. A person’s sentence can range from a fine to imprisonment. Our attorneys in criminal cases are constantly aware of the technical and legislative updates in that era regulated by law, which makes us specialized in that.
- Drug Crimes: The Law on Combating Narcotic Substances and Psychotropic Substances is one of the most stringent laws in the United Arab Emirates. Indeed, any small trace of the narcotic drug may lead to imprisonment for a period of four years or more. Our company has lawyers who are specialized in drug issues and provides comprehensive representation to clients across the Emirates in drug cases such as drug possession, consumption, trafficking and transport, and more.
- Traffic and traffic crimes: We have experience with various crimes such as wrongful death, injury, and driving under the influence of various alcoholic beverages or psychotropic substances. Driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages is a crime punishable by law due to the various accidents and crimes it may cause. The criminal attorneys in India with extensive experience dealing with alcohol-related crimes such as driving under the influence have had positive results.
- Other crimes: The criminal law in UAE is not limited to dealing with cybercrimes and drug crimes. There is a wide range of other cases that fall under the criminal law framework in UAE, such as financial crimes, including cases of fraud, breach of trust, cheques, violent crimes, theft crimes, sexual crimes, juvenile crimes, and others. Our criminal attorneys have in-depth knowledge and experience in providing possible outcomes in all criminal cases.
The foundations of a successful criminal lawyer are based on the knowledge and art of oral and written pleading. The pleading is directed to the criminal judge who adjudicates conviction or innocence according to the evidence presented against him and which validity is assured because the verdict of the innocence of the accused is not rendered being groundless. Therefore, many wonders with amazement!! What are the legal loopholes that can turn an execution into innocence?? In short, they are legal articles related to the procedures or related to the subject matter of the case and the availability of its elements, called defenses (i.e. loopholes) that a successful criminal lawyer can use and convince the court. Therefore, we emphasize that our experience in criminal cases derived from our work and relied primarily on oral and written pleadings supported by defenses and legal loopholes, as criminal defenses lead to the abolition or reduction of the punishment.
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We are always keen to accurately understand clients’ requirements so that we can professionally provide legal support in the form of satisfactory legal business. Rather, we are keen to ensure that the legal drafting used is of a clear method away from obscurity or ambiguity to ensure the protection of the clients. Our work is not limited to providing solution to the client, but rather it is discussed with him in the correct manner and in a way that strengthens his legal position.
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